Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Who is D.K.?

( Published August 1934)

"Suffice it to say, that I am a Tibetan disciple of a certain degree, and this tells you but little, for all are disciples from the humblest aspirant up to, and beyond, the Christ Himself.

"I am a brother of yours, who has travelled a little longer upon the Path than has the average student, and has therefore incurred greater responsibilities. I am one who has wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the aspirant who will read this, and I must therefore act as a transmitter of the light, no matter what the cost. I am not an old man, as age counts among the teachers, yet I am not young or inexperienced. My work is to teach and spread the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom wherever I can find a response, and I have been doing this for many years. I seek also to help the Master M. and the Master K.H. whenever opportunity offers, for I have been long connected with Them and with Their work. In all the above, I have told you much; yet at the same time I have told you nothing which would lead you to offer me that blind obedience and the foolish devotion which the emotional aspirant offers to the Guru and Master whom his is as yet unable to contact. Nor will he make that desired contact until he has transmuted emotional devotion into unselfish service to humanity,-not to the Master.

"The books that I have written (1919-1949) are sent out with no claim for their acceptance. They may, or may not, be correct, true and useful. It is for you to ascertain their truth by right practice and by the exercise of the intuition. Neither I nor A.A.B. is the least interested in having them acclaimed as inspired writings, or in having anyone speak of them as being the work of one of the Masters.

"If they present truth in such a way that it follows sequentially upon that already offered in the world teachings, if the information given raises the aspiration and the will-to-serve from the plane of the emotions to that of the mind (the plane whereon the Masters can be found) then they will have served their purpose. If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the worker in the world, and brings a flashing forth of his intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. But not otherwise. If the statements meet with eventual corroboration, or are deemed true under the test of the Law of Correspondences, then that is well and good. But should this not be so, let not the student accept what is said."

What are the new aspects of the fundamental Truth which D.K. has given to the public?

Briefly stated in order of their relative importance ("...regard this as an important instruction and one which could be regarded as the skeleton outline of the work I wish to see done." Rays and Initiations, p. 254):

"The two major ideas which it was my task to bring to the attention of humanity everywhere throughout the world..., by far the most important aspect of the work which I have done... are:

Is this another cult?

No, it is not. Please read our stance on cults.

"If any command may ever emanate from the subjective band of teachers... let it be to follow the dictates of your own soul, and the promptings of your higher self." --Treatise White Magic (p. 404).

"The obedience required is obedience to the Plan. It is not obedience to the Master, no matter what many old style occult schools may say." --Discipleship New Age I (p.686).

"The difficulty at present is that relatively few people are soul-conscious, and consequently most remain unaware of the 'occult commands' of their own souls. --Esoteric Healing (p. 435).

On Ascended Masters

"...great and fundamental readjustments are going on within the Hierarchy itself... a great process of ascension and of spiritual attainment is under way... (October 1942)

"As regards the Hierarchy itself, speaking esoterically and technically, its Members (many of Them) are "being abstracted from the middle point of holiness and absorbed into the Council of the Lord." In other words, They are passing onward into higher work and are becoming custodians of the energy of the divine will and not simply the custodians of the energy of love... Their places are being taken --under the Law of Ascension-- by Their senior disciples, the initiates in Their Ashrams, and (under the same great process) the place of these initiates, who are thus being "raised" to more important work, is being taken by disciples and probationers. It is this truth, misinterpreted and shockingly travestied, which lies behind the teaching anent so-called Ascended Masters, put out by the leaders of the "I AM" movement, thus prostituting and bringing down almost to the realm of cheap commedy one of the most notable happenings which has ever taken place upon our planet."
--The Rays and Initiations(pp.15-16)

On Astral Shells or Spurious Astral Doubles

"... there is a potent thoughtform of me (Master Djwhal Khul, the Tibetan) upon the astral plane, built by the thousands who have read my many words, and whose thoughts are turned towards me in gratitude or criticism, in devotion or dislike. Thoughts, brother of mine, are things; they are creative, creating and created entities, and every time anyone sees this thoughform of me and responds to it, he increases its strength and power. From its magnetic aura, my disciples and followers must free themselves, for it is but man's thought of me, and not I myself. It can sidetrack and delude you; it can speak good words of mediocre cheer and encouragement, but they are not my words..."
Discipleship New Age I (pp. 567-587)

"...such thoughtforms of the teachers are often to be found and are pure astral and not real..." (ibid, p.238)

... the Masters do NOT work upon the astral plane...(ibid, p.719)

Aren't the Alice Bailey's books outdated?

"... The teaching which I (Master Djwhal Khul, the Tibetan) have given out [through Alice Bailey] has been intermediate in nature, just as that given by H.P.B. [Helena P. Blavatsky], under my instruction, was preparatory... In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on this teaching... The remainder of this century must be dedicated to rebuilding the shrine of man's living, to reconstructing the form of humanity's life, to reconstituting the new civilisation upon the foundation of the old, and the reorganizing of the structures of world thought, world politics, plus the redistribution of the world's resources in conformity with divine purpose. Then and only then will it be possible to carry the revelation further..."
Rays and Initiations(p.255)

Are the Alice Bailey's books antisemitic?

"The glamour of hatred of the Jew... is a problem which is so ancient and deeply rooted in the consciousness of the race that it is far bigger than the individual can possibly vision... Both Germans and Jews merit our impersonal love, particularly as they are both guilty of the same basic errors and faults. Therefore, your dislike of one group is not more warranted than your refusal to recognise any justification for the activities and attitudes of the other. Many Germans are reincarnated Jews. Hence the similarity of their points of view. It is a family quarrel and there is nothing more terrible than this. I ask you to take the Germans and the Jews into your group meditation and pour your group love upon both of these divisions of your brothers in the human family."
Glamour (p.146-7)



WARNING about the
Agni Yoga Discussion Forum

[still in effect as of 21JUN2008]

Is Benjamin Creme's Maitreya the actual reappearance of the Christ?

Please ascertain by yourself according to your understanding of the teachings presented in Alice A. Bailey's book The Reappearance of the Christ. A synopsis of this book is presented in our page dedicated to Lord Maitreya where it is stated:

The reapperance of the Christ will not come as the result of some proclamation or some stupendous planetary event which will force human beings everywhere to say: "Lo: He is there! Lo: Here are the signs of His divinity!" for that would evoke only antagonism and laughter, resistance or fanatical credulity. It will come as a recognition of potency in leadership, through dynamic but logical changes in world affairs, and through action taken by the masses of people from the depths of their own consciousness.

The Christ's reapperance plans do not involve the birth of some nice child in some nice home on Earth; they will not produce the wild claims and the credulous recognition of the well-meaning and the unintelligent as is so frequently the case today, nor will someone appear and say: "This is the Christ. He is here or He is there." However, the widespread appearance of such tales and claims, though undesirable, misleading and wrong, nevertheless demonstrates human expectancy of the imminence of His coming. Belief in His coming is basic in the human consciousness.

The Lord Maitreya, the Christ, will come unfailingly when a measure of peace has been restored, when the principle of sharing is at least in process of controlling economic affairs, and when the churches have begun to clean house. Then He can and will come; then the Kingdom of God will be publicly recognised and will no longer be a thing of dreams and of ideals.
(Adapted from
The Reapperance of the Christ)

What should we expect of the Coming of the Avatar?

"The vision which many have of the influence and work of the Avatar is that of a Great Appearance which will end all strife, inaugurate the new era of peace and goodwill, soothe the hearts of the people and lead mankind into realms of beauty and of happiness. He will be the consummation of the wishful thinking of countless minds down the ages. He will be the solace of distressed humanity. He will sweetly love and quietly deal with His Own people and will sweep the evil doer out of the Earth and prevent him from again molesting the peace of the world.

"I tell you that such a picture does not enter into the vision of reality at all. It is based on theological interpretation and human selfishness; it is founded on the misery of mankind and on the failure of disciples and aspirants everywhere to grasp the true nature of love and real vision of the hierarchical Plan.

"It is the Fire of Love which He will bring; it is the message of purificatory fire which He will sound; He will not teach anent the waters of purification, as has thitherto been the symbolic imparted truth; He will impart the fire which burns and destroys all barriers in man's nature, all separating walls between individuals, between groups and between nations. Are you prepared as individuals, as disciples and aspirants to submit yourselves to this fire?"
Discipleship New Age I (pp.721-2)

What is a disciple?

A disciple is one who above else, is pledged to do three things:

The disciple knows to be an outpost of the Master's conciousness, viewing the Master in a twofold sense:

Characteristics of the server

White Magicians

White magic is concerned with the unfoldment of the soul in form and its gaining the needed experience thereby ( Destiny Nation, p. 122). White magicians are:

What is the Plan?

The Plan is that measure of possibility of immediate importance which the divine Purpose can present at any given moment in time and space.

Telepathy, p. 132

Is there a deterrent for wrongdoing?

The Christ spoke of the time when nothing secret would remain hidden and when all secrets would be shouted from the housetops. The growth of telepathic registration and of the psychic powers such as clairvoyance and clairaudience will eventually tend to strip humanity of the privacy in which to sin. Nothing will be carried out in secret. The fact of this possibility will act as a great deterrent.

Esoteric Healing, p. 236-7

THOTh, last revised 21 JUN 2008