The New Group of World Servers

Brotherhood, Universality, Synthesis: Shamballa

Telepathic Communicators The Seed Group of Telepathic Communicators works on the mental plane, in and with thought currents. This group is an experiment in inaugurating certain new techniques in modes of communication, such as impression at a distance. The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research is a good way to learn about this group.
Trained Observers The Seed Group of Trained Observers works on the emotional plane, dissipating distortions (i.e., "glamours") of Reality through the pouring in of Light. The Hermetic Observatory takes its stance within this group.
Esoteric Healers The Seed Group of Esoteric Healers works intelligently with the physical forces of the vital etheric body. Group work is emphasized: by groups and for groups.
The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) is not an organization. It has no headquarters, presidents, officers or list of members. It has only servers of humanity in every country occupied with the task of discovering and aiding all men and women of goodwill. Working in all main fields of human activity and in all countries everywhere in the world, the NGWS acts as a synthesizing factor within humanity and lays the foundations for right human relations and ultimate world unity. More information about the NGWS, and other seed groups not mentioned herein, can be obtained from LUCIS Trust at:
120 Wall Street           Suite 54                Case Postale 31
24th. Floor               3 Whitehall Court       1 rue de Varembe (3e)
New York, NY 10005        London SW1A 2EF         1211 Geneva 20
(USA)                     (UK)                    (SWITZERLAND)

The Hermetic Observatory (THOTh) is an independent service activity within the NGWS; no endorsement by other groups or service activities referred to in this site is claimed or implied.

What is Telepathy?

Telepathy is one of three modes of expression of what might be termed the SUPREME SCIENCE OF CONTACT, the science governing all reactions to conscious interaction ("impact") as applied in the expansion of the human consciousness. This supreme science reveals the lines of relationship which underlie all manifestation and of which the etheric body is the symbol.


What Are The Three Modes Of Expression Of The Science Of Contact?

The three modes of expression of the Science of Contact are:

The growth of telepathic rapport will bring in an era of universality and synthesis, with its qualities of recognized relationships and responsiveness. This will be, outstandingly, the glory of the Aquarian Age.


Is Unity Attainable?

Unity is attainable because unity exists and the sense of separateness is simply the Great Illusion. It was in order to hasten the dispelling of this great illusion of separateness and to bring about the emergence of the basic existing unity, that the new world prayer was given to humanity and its use on a world wide scale inaugurated.


What Is The Nature Of Glamour?

Distorted conditions related to the use or misuse of force or energy exist on all levels of the personality life as:

The word glamour is also generically employed to include illusion and maya. In general, criticism, separativeness or pride are the major breeders of glamour.

GLAMOUR: A World Problem

What Is The Primary Cause Of Glamour?

The cause of glamour is primarily based upon the sense of duality. The (lower) major duality is that of the personality and the soul. The Bhagavad Gita can be read entirely from the standpoint of the disciple's combat with glamour.

GLAMOUR: A World Problem

What Are The Practical Ways In Which Glamour May Be Ended?

The practical ways in which illusion, glamour and the power of maya can be brought to an end in the life of the individual, and eventually in the life of nations and finally in the world are:

The objective of all training given on the Path of Discipleship and up to the third initiation is to induce that clear thinking which will render the disciple free from illusion and give the disciple that emotional stability and poise which gives no room for the entrance of any of the world glamour.

GLAMOUR: A World Problem

What is Esoteric Healing? make sound from within...

Preventive Medicine: A Futurist Vision

Accurate knowledge about the energy management process related to the dynamic reception, assimilation and transmission of solar force in the human frame will radically transform the practice of medicine from its currently misplaced and reductionistic "curative" focus to a much simpler and comprehensive PREVENTIVE approach.

This energy management process will be increasingly controlled by the INDIVIDUAL as s/he interacts with his/her ENVIRONMENT in a more effective and efficient way. Optimal health will be the natural and universal outcome of an optimal equilibrium or dynamic synchronization between an individual and his/her environment. When this optimal equilibrium be perfect, and thus permanent, the individual will attain perfect health.

As humanity advances along its evolutionary path, the individual, both as a personal identity (i.e., physical body, emotions and intellect) and as a spiritual identity (i.e., Soul), will become an increasingly crucial determinant in health and disease as s/he interacts with his/her physical (i.e., earth, water, air) and subtle (i.e., fire, electromagnetism) environment. Three major laws of health will be recognized to govern the relationship between the individual and his/her environment:

The practice of goodwill by the individual will provide a key to prevent respiratory disorders and will prime the human frame towards health. The laws of vitality, intimately related to the synchronization of forces, will provide a key to prevent disease. The correct assimilation and elimination of earth and water will prevent diseases originating below the diaphragm.

Psychology, the science of the Soul, will provide the basis for true preventive interventions in the future. Indeed, all disease will be found to be the result of inhibited Soul life: in the human frame, in the planet and in the universe.

Esoteric Healing

Is There An Introductory Esoteric Healing Technique?

This is an adaptation of the Second Ray method of group healing that may be used as an introductory radiatory healing technique. Possible successful outcomes are three: 1) complete healing; or 2) the establishing of a state of mind which will enable the patient to live with him/herself and with his/her complaint, unhandicapped by the karmic limitations of his/her body; or 3) enabling the patient to achieve (with joy and facility) the right liberation from the body and, through the portal of death, to pass to complete health.

Esoteric Healing (pp. 103-105)

Basic Rule of Silence

There is an urgent necessity for complete silence and reticence in relation to all healing work. Never let it be known that you are working in this manner, and never mention to anyone the names of those you are seeking to aid. Do not discuss the patient under treatment even among yourselves... Speech and discussion not only tend to dissipate force, but violate a fundamental rule which all healers are trained to keep, and even the medical profession on the physical plane follows the same general procedure.

Esoteric Healing (p. 105)

THOTh, last revised 31JAN97