We pledge allegiance to Three Principles ensouling the New Aquarian Age:
To these Principles we solemny pledge ourselves invoking our Higher Self... to THE GLORY OF THE ONE!
The PLAN..................(Avatars) |
Piscean Ideal of FREEDOM |
Transition |
Aquarian Idea of SERVICE |
Son Principle ...................(Buddha) Law |
Objectivism (Orthodox Scientific Method) |
Light-Love From the point of Light within the Mind of God
[Pleiades-Capricorn-Mercury] |
Essential Divinity
Spiritual Approach |
Mother Principle.....................(Peace) Law |
Mutual Benefit
Free Trade |
Love-Light From the point of Love within the Heart of God
[Sirius-Piscis-Uranus] |
Right (or Correct) Human Relations |
Father Principle ................(Synthesis) Law
Individualism |
The Plan From the Center where the Will of God is known
[Ursa Major-Leo-Saturn] |
Group Endeavor (Laws of Group Life) |
The (Hermes-Aphrodite) Soul of Humanity
animating an inherently common and jointly realized purpose
while manifesting in different but correctly related forms of expression.
Fundamental shifts in human values and beliefs have always been preceded by a transition period wherein the waning and waxing paradigms produce an interference pattern very difficult to discern. However, despite humanity's inherent shortsightedness, we have always counted with the necessary spiritual guidance and vision to outgrow the old and build a new world order. Spiritual dispensations, via the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters of Love and Wisdom, have provided such spiritual guidance and vision at these critical junctures in history.
Two zodiacal cycles ago, after the Chaldean/Mithraic/Egyptian epoch, the Jewish dispensation preceded the shift from the Taurus (the Bull or Golden Calf) to the Aries (the Ram or Lamb) world order, as the Old Testament indicates. The New Testament, on the other hand, represents the Christian dispensation that preceded the shift from the Aries to the Pisces (the Fish) world order one zodiacal cycle ago. We are currently in the midst of the Pisces-Aquarius or the New Age dispensation that is preceding a new world order.
We are told, "The teaching planned by the Hierarchy to precede and condition the New Age, the Aquarian Age, falls into three categories: 1. Preparatory, given 1875-1890... written down by Helena P. Blavatsky; 2) Intermediate, given 1919-1949... written down by Alice A. Bailey; 3) Revelatory, emerging after 1975... to be given on a worldwide scale via the radio." (R&I, p.255) If telepathic communication is considered a type of radio, it is certainly plausible to postulate that at least some of the increasingly available "channeled" messages may be an experiment to broadcast preparatory spiritual teachings adapted to the needs of the masses of men and women of goodwill throughout the world.
We are also told that "The remainder of this century must be dedicated to rebuilding the shrine of man's living, to reconstructing the form of humanity's life, to reconstituting the new civilisation upon the foundation of the old, and the reorganizing of the structures of world thought, world politics, plus the redistribution of the world's resources in conformity with divine purpose. Then and only then will it be possible to carry the revelation further." (Ibid) Which are the Laws and Principles that embody the New Age dispensation that will allow us to "rebuild, reconstruct, reconstitute, reorganize and redistribute" so as to reformulate a new social contract?
The old Piscean ideal of FREEDOM is currently founded upon three principles: 1) rationalism, 2) self-interest and 3) mutual benefit. The matured outcome of the Piscean age may be verily designated as the Age of Reason. Man, seen as an end in itself, is to use reason to obtain "objective" knowledge and thus appropriate the power to rationally procure his self-interest. Man's relationship with others is based on the principle of adversarial mutual benefit, that is, the principle that any social transaction should maximize the self-interest of the parties involved. However, one's self-interest remains primary, thus its inherently adversarial nature. The object of this Piscean social contract is, in Rousseau's own words: "to find a form of association which will defend the person and goods of each member with the collective force of all, and under which each individual, while uniting himself with others, obeys no one but himself, and remains as free as before." (The Social Contract, trans. M. Cranston, p.60)
The Piscean ideal of FREEDOM is made operational by three laws corresponding to each of the aforementioned principles: 1) scientific objectivism, 2) egalitarian individualism, and 3) laissez-faire capitalism. First, objectivism is the belief that true knowledge is only obtained by the use of reason and that the rules of evidence dictated by the scientific method are the touchstone of reality. Thus is freedom from ignorance and from dogma attained. Second, egalitarian individualism promotes the fulfilment of man's potential and his sense of individual responsibility. Thus is self-reliance (freedom from dependence on others) attained. Third, unregulated capitalism allows free trade among parties seeking their mutual benefit. Thus is freedom from any governmental authority or from any external regulatory agency attained.
The embodiment of Piscean principles and fulfilment of the corresponding laws is the goal of all personalities in process of integration: strong, self-reliant individuals freed from depending on others to assert their "inalienable rights" to life, liberty and property. Free thought, free competition and free trade are the hallmarks of integrated personalities everywhere as they fulfill their role in modern democracies. However, none of these freedoms has allowed them to meet a fundamental human need in their "pursuit of happiness:" the need to relate to others in spiritually fulfilling and meaningful ways. That is, once "freedom from" is attained, what good is freedom for? Is the Piscean ideal of freedom enough to escape alienation? Are we truly ALONE or are we truly ALL-ONE in this world?
The answer to these fundamental questions of human existence is provided by the three Principles and three corresponding Laws that embody the New Age dispensation. The Aquarian Principles and Laws are a natural outgrowth of the laws and principles that ruled during the Piscean age. However, only pain --the pain of utter loneliness and alienation, will prime human consciousness to recognize the New Age Principles and Laws. Pain, the great tenderizer, will melt the rigidity of the old world order and forge the foundations of a New Age. Socioeconomic, political and even geophysical upheavals may be necessary to produce the transition towards a new golden age.
The new Aquarian idea of (freedom in) SERVICE will be founded upon three principles: 1) essential divinity, 2) unanimity, and 3) goodwill (DNA II, p.237). First, the mind will be understood in its truly Janusian dimension: a) as the rational ruler of the emotions, and b) as the gateway to the world of spiritual reality, to the Soul --the Son of Mind, our true spiritual Identity and temporary expression of our essential divinity. Second, una-animity, or the inherent unity ("una") of all Souls ("anima") in the mind plane, will be as self-evident as the reality of the personality is to the individual today. Third, goodwill or the expression of the Will of God on Earth, will expand the ideal of mutual benefit to include altruism and self-sacrifice (that is, making oneself "sacred").
The Aquarian idea of SERVICE will be made operational by three Laws corresponding to each of the aforementioned Principles: 1) spiritual approach, 2) group endeavor, and 3) right human relations (ibid). First, the Path of Initiation will define our spiritual approach to reality as we become proficient practitioners of the Science of Invocation and Evocation. In the new spiritual approach, the Technique of the Presence or Agni Yoga will supersede, by inclusion, the Technique of the Light or Raja Yoga (Glamour, pp. 171-2). Second, free and spontaneous group associations will develop group consciousness to the same degree of group integration as we see in personalities today. The Laws of Group Life (TSR II, pp. 85-200) will increasingly govern group affiliations. Third, right human relations will be a field of study and practice very similar to the laws of harmony in music. Individuals within groups and groups within groups will freely and spontaneously create harmonious relations. Geometrical "golden proportions" (wherein the smaller is to the greater as the greater is to the whole) will embody group relations, and as each whole is naturally included within greater wholes, complete unity of purpose will be realized. It will be discovered that one of the major functions of group work is "to absorb, share, circulate and then distribute energy." (R&I, p.68)
It is time to promulgate a new Aquarian Social Contract that would address humanity's rights and responsibilities within the three spheres of human relationships: 1) internal (within the individual), 2) external-horizontal (with other human beings), and 3) external-vertical (with God and the planetary life wherein we live and move and have our being). These three dimensions of relations are fully addressed by the three Principles and Laws of the New (Aquarian) Age as they veil the true meaning of Service: the Soul's innate and spontaneous urge to relate.
It is time to claim our inalienable right to relate in freedom, in love and in truth, the only really authentic way to relate at all. We must claim our divine heritage of freedom for true love in all relationships: within and without. We must redeem the meaning of the word reason (ratio): to freely and harmoniously relate in a true spirit of unity and love. That is the essence of RIGHT (correct) human relations.
In today's turmoil permanent PEACE seems unattainable. This is so because the driving forces of hate and separativeness thrive by the promotion of rational self-interest. Self-interest and adversarial mutual benefit no longer suffice to garner collective forces to impose peace, even if temporarily. A new commonly held set of beliefs and values is needed to produce that deep and abiding peace that will surpass all understanding. The seed was sowed 2,000 years ago when Christ taught that true peace is the result of "the system of service as a mode of establishing right human relations.' (ROC, 107) The time of fruition has arrived, at last.
Currently, as part of the preparations for Christ's reappearance, He is being overshadowed by: 1) the Enlightened One (Buddha), to inspire Humanity enact the Law of Spiritual Approach, 2) the Avatar of Synthesis, to inspire Humanity enact the Law of Group Endeavor; and 3) the Spirit of Peace, to inspire Humanity enact the Law of Right Human Relations. We know that belief in a Principle determines behavior according to the corresponding Law. Our informed and intuitive belief in the three Principles of the Kingdom of Souls, the current blueprint of the Plan of Love and Light for Humanity, facilitates the work of the reappearance of the Christ, the imminent externalization of the Hierarchy of Masters, and the precipitation on Earth of the energies from the spiritual Entities currently overshadowing the Christ. The use of the Great Invocation is a most important means to support this spiritual effort.
Our part in making the Plan operational consists in providing an adequate expression, through devoted and joyful discipline in our daily lives, for the three Laws and Principles for the New Age. By the practice of self-forgetfulness (as it unfolds our essential divinity), harmlessness (as an expression of realized unity) and right speech (as it promotes goodwill), we become relaying channels of energy rather than delaying points of selfish interest in the overall scheme of divine circulatory flow. May we thus fulfill our part in the one Work.
"I play my part with stern resolve; with earnest aspiration; I look above, I help below; I dream not, nor I rest; I toil; I serve; I reap; I pray; I am the Cross; I am the Way; I tread upon the work I do, I mount upon my slain self; I kill desire, and I strive, forgeting all reward. I forego peace; I forfeit rest, and in the stress of pain, I lose myself and find Myself and enter into peace. To all this I solemnly pledge myself, invoking my Higher Self."