Solar Fire Observance

The Hermetic ObservaTory (THOTh), one among the many existing groups of Trained Observers, is devoted to observe the Law of Cycles of the Solar Fire, among other service activities. Since very remote times the Sun has been worshipped as the Source of Light and Life on Earth. Our neglect of the sun as a natural source of energy is mainly responsible for the environmental nightmare haunting humanity today. So, to restore the balance between Mother Nature ( GAIA ) and Man, THOTh promotes the subjective celebration of Solar Fire Observances in the shrine of our own hearts. We believe that as people think in their heart, so are they; therefore, any change to transform the world necessarily begins from within outward.

The Mother Earth's satellite, the moon, serves as the physical chronometer to signal two pivotal periods intimately associated with our physical and spiritual life: the new and the full moon periods or phases. These correspond to the lower and higher interludes of the fourfold breathing operation of our Planetary Life:

The Science of Invocation and Evocation will rule the relationship between humanity and God in the new culture and civilization. The Higher Interludes of the Solar Fire provide unique opportunities for us to sow the seeds of this New Age activity. The seeds of Solar Fire that we "nurture and conceal" in the shrine of our hearts during the period of the invocative higher interlude (full moon) slowly germinate until they manifest at the evocative days of the lower interlude (new moon). Thus is gradually revealed to us the Secret of the Light within... the secret seed that grows into a tree with root above and flowers below.

THOTh, last revised 15MAY97