Evidence-based Astrology

Astrology is a science which must be restored to its original beauty and truth before the world can gain a truer perspective and a more just and accurate appreciation of the divine Plan, as it is expressed at this time through the Wisdom of the Ages.

Astrology is essentially the purest presentation of occult truth in the world at this time, because it is the science which deals with those conditioning and governing energies and forces which play through and upon the whole field of space and all that is found within that field.

The Ancient Wisdom teaches that "space is an entity." It is with the life of this entity and with the forces and energies, the impulses and the rhythms, the cycles and the times and seasons that esoteric astrology deals.  -AAB-DK


Indeed, the battle is against the evident. Reality is not the obvious. The evidence presented by outward signs does not represent actuality. The old teaching of positivism replaced authenticity with evidence, and for them there is only one excuse; they had no microscopes nor telescopes—neither downward nor upward. But the inquiring mind is not concerned with the conventional evidence; it wants reality in the setting of cosmic laws. It understands that the pearl is invisible in the depths and that layers of air can conceal a flock of eagles. Not long ago We spoke about the defense of reality. Remember that it is not the illiterate people who will be furious against reality, but these little “literates" will violently defend their short-sighted evidence. They will think that the world enclosed within their horizon is the actual one, and that all else remaining invisible to them is a harmful fiction. What lies at the base of this beggarly narrowness? In an altered aspect it is that very same idea of personal ownership. This is my own pigpen and therefore everything outside of it is not necessary and pernicious. This is what is apparent to me and therefore nothing outside of it exists. The well-known fable about the elephant and the seven blind people is sufficient an example.

Indeed, as We say, the Community battles for reality. You have another kind of ally; those who strive for the truth, for whom evidence is nothing but an unclean glass. If chemical and biological evidence is complicated, then still more complex is the evidence of the planes of structure of life and actions. Without the development of consciousness we shall dwell in a continuous mirage; as in catalepsies, we shall be twisted in frozen terror.

Begone, Maya! We wish and shall know reality!
-Community, 206.

You will note that my purpose in this section of our treatise is to evoke interest and enquiry and to incite students to scientific, statistical and analytical investigation. Only in this way will my basic premises be proven and eventually substituted for the present unsatisfactory methods—methods which most astrologers who have any real capacity and insight regard as deplorable and unsatisfactory. -Esoteric Astrology

AAB-DK: As the true astrology comes into its own and is developed into a reputable science, the charts of the soul and of the personality can be related to each other; then the etheric body will be checked by correct astrological conclusions, and the physician will be on far surer ground than he now is. The astrology of the past concerned the life of the personality; the astrology of the future will indicate the purpose of the soul, and will completely revolutionise medicine (among other things). It must, however, be lifted out of the hands of those interested in predictional astrology, out of the hands of the thousands who at this time spend much time "casting" horoscopes (seeking to interpret their usually erroneous conclusions), and placed in the hands of trained mathematical scientists and in the hands of those who have given as much time to scientific training along astrological lines as is now given to training a reputable physician, a chemist or a biologist.

These astrological findings will not only be related to the personality and the soul charts, but will also enter the field of medicine, particularly in relation to the etheric body. Today, any astrological investigation done in the field of medicine has relation to physical disease within the physical body; in the future, it will concentrate upon the condition of the etheric vehicle. This is a new and imminent development in astrological research.
-Esoteric Healing

AAB-DK: Astrologers would do well to remember that the influence of the constellations, signs and planets, work out upon three levels of awareness—three descending levels—and are felt first of all upon the mental plane, then upon the astral plane and finally upon the physical plane. But it is with this last plane that astrologers are primarily concerned, emphasising happenings and events and not their conditioning causes. At present, astrology deals with effects and not with that which is causing them. There is much confusion over this matter and the horoscopes of the three levels are often much distorted. A horoscope which could be interpreted purely upon the mental plane is given a physical interpretation, and thus happenings which are entirely mental are portrayed as physical occurrences. A clue to this triple interpretation which astrology must eventually recognise can be found in the relation of the orthodox, the esoteric and the hierarchical planets and the rays of which they are the expression. -Esoteric Astrology

[Work in progress]

I.   What is a fact? [Three Basic Statements, by DK]

A Ten Point Manifesto of the New Astrology

II. Spiritual Genetics and Polymorphism

AAB-DK: "Orthodox medicine is slow, and rightly slow, in adopting new techniques and methods; it is at times too slow, but the case of the new mode of treatment or diagnosis must be rightly proven and statistically proven before it can be incorporated in the medical curriculum and method; the risks to the human subject are too great, and the good humanitarian physician will not make his patient the subject of experimentation."  -Esoteric Healing

III. Intuitive reasoning vs. critical thinking in astrology as a science (logic of transfinite numbers)

"In the understanding of the significance of the distinction between constellations as galaxies of stars, and signs as concentrated influences will come fresh light upon the science of astrology. This is fundamentally connected with the difference between the relation of a ray energy to the triangle of constellations and the human [Page 622] relation. More I may not say but this will give a hint to the intuitive astrologer." -Esoteric Astrology

IV. Validation vs. predictive power

"... the entire science of astrology is based upon a non-existent condition. It has no basis in material fact and yet is eternally based on truth. The zodiac is, as you well know, the imaginary path of the Sun in the heavens. It is therefore largely an illusion, from the exoteric point of view. But at the same time the constellations exist, and the streams of energy which pass and repass, intermingle and interlock throughout the body of space are by no means illusions but definitely express eternal relationships. It is the misuse of the [Page 63] various energies which has created the illusion." -Esoteric Astrology

V. Research methods: randomized trials of astrological beliefs

  • The Science of Astrology is, at the present state of human evolution, factually unfalsifiable by the orthodox scientific method (so were radio waves 200 years ago).
  • Human beliefs about astrology are subject to empirical verification.
  • Statistical methods are useful to conduct research about the astrological beliefs.

"... the science of astrology is in many ways the science of sciences..." -Discipleship New Age 437

"The science of astrology is, as yet, in its infancy and is based on so many uncertain factors that it is difficult for a student to arrive at those true indications which will truly present the future. Character indications and small personality happenings can frequently and correctly be deduced but the general subject remains until today much too nebulous for certitude."
-Destiny Nations 27

"Gather together, as you read, the statements I make anent any particular sign, planet or major constellation. You will then have right under your eye the information needed on any specific point and can study successfully this complicated transitional astrology. And yet, is it any more complicated to the beginner than a textbook on physics or chemistry? I think not. What does complicate the problem is your feeling of doubt and questioning as to the truth and the verifiability of the statements made. Yet the beginner in chemistry has to accept the statements of the expert who has written his textbook, and does so accept them until the time comes when he can verify them himself through experiment. You might in this connection retort by saying that the conclusions presented to him have been tested again and [Page 134] again for centuries in many cases and for decades in others, and that there is little real room for questioning. This is equally true of the science of astrology, for its foundations have been tested for millenia of years and have proven correct and its experts are wiser and more synthetic and selfless in their application of the science than are any other group of scientists. I refer here to the true esoteric astrologers who stand behind the astrological movement in the world today. I would ask you to remember this and to regard yourselves as beginners, leaving conclusions on one side until you have grasped more of the essentials and the theory. For this exoteric astrology may have prepared you, in some cases." -Esoteric Astrology



Some day it will be of interest to make a scientific research and investigation into the power of balance which Libra wields and a consequent analysis of the effect of Libra in an individual life. It might then be possible to discover whether the particular life in which a man carries forward the process of reversal may not perhaps be one in which the sun is in Leo, with Libra rising. Such statistical studies have not yet been made, but there is much to be done along these lines; I only make suggestions, but it will, I think, be found that this is the case. A proper investigation likewise into the life history of spiritualism and of the mediums associated with it may prove that the majority of the mediums in the world who are of a low grade type or purely trance mediums - negative and usually unintelligent - are born in Cancer with Pisces rising, or in Pisces with Cancer rising. Such studies would necessarily have to deal with hundreds of cases and be carried forward over a long period of time in order to prove the point which I seek to make.  -Esoteric Astrology

The statistical and the academic is a necessary basis and a preliminary step for most scientific study, but in this book we will center our attention on the life aspect, and the practical application of truth to the daily life of the aspirant. Let us study how we can become practical magicians, and in what way we can best live the life of a spiritual man, and of an aspirant to accepted discipleship in our own peculiar times, state and environment. -Treatise on White Magic

"Connected with the esoteric science of astrology are subsidiary sciences, such as the Science of Triangles, to which I have frequently referred; there is also the Science of Relationship, which concerns the relations between the many quaternaries which can be discovered in the planetary interrelation, the relation between four constellations, plus many human and divine quaternaries." -Esoteric Astrology

Astrology Research Links:

Kepler College of Astrological Arts and Science



[ http://www.aureas.org/rams/articlesus.htm ]



Astrology is a great science, but it can be ruled by the forces of thought. Thought can indeed have a significance in astrology. Thought creates; thought is a chemist; thought even has an influence on Karma. With such powerful laws does thought contend. Fiery World III, 609.

Now, if you are asked, "do you recognize astrology?" answer, "do you deny medicine?” If you are asked, "do you insist upon the life of the spirit?" answer, "do you deny the development of matter?" Illumination IV:5

The Hermetic ObservaTory (THOTh)

