Frequently Asked Questions:

HR and AAB

Q-1: Is HR the same as Urusvati?

A-1: Urusvati is the broadened and transfigured state of the initiate consciousness.
        [Ref: The "Urusvati knows..." series in the AY books, Supermundane I-IV, 1938]

Urusvati. It is time to say that this is the name we have given to the star which is irresistibly approaching the Earth. Since long ago it has been the symbol of the Mother of the World, and the Epoch of the Mother of the World must begin at the time of Her Star’s unprecedented approach to the Earth. The Great Epoch is beginning, because the spirit-understanding is linked with the Mother of the World. (LMG II, part two, section 4, par 11)

Uru and Svati are found in Cosmogony. Repeated are the signs of approaching Aquarius and the combination with Saturn. Uru and Agni are needed to bring the Svati of consciousness. (AY, 516-517)

Ur is the root of the Light of the Fire. From times immemorial this Radiant Principle has attracted the hearts of many peoples. Thus, from the Covenants of the past let us transport ourselves into the future attainment. (FW I, Preface)

[UR. refers to the Mother of Agni Yoga, Urusvati.]

The Lights of the Mother of the World resemble the pillars of the Aurora Borealis. Very rare is the phenomenon when the microcosm—man—can be compared to the Macrocosm. UR. has seen such a manifestation. (FW II, 424)

Q-2: If so, why do the AY Teachings personalize Urusvati? As in,

SM 721. Urusvati knows and has tested her abilities to see and hear the Invisible and Inaudible Worlds. It is significant that her considerable achievements were acquired in a natural way. Even in ancient times, people knew artificial methods for opening the way to the Invisible, but no unnatural approach is of any value.
It can be seen that all in the Universe is goalfitting, and can be attained by natural means; therefore the attainment of Urusvati is treasured. True, such levels of attainment cannot be reached quickly. Many vibrations must be assimilated, and this can be done only through many years of labor—indeed, it is better to say not years, but centuries. These attainments must be safe-guarded, for they have as their goal not personal benefit, but the progress of the people.
Attainments gained naturally must be protected against the opposition of today’s scientists, who often impede rather than help. Mediocre scientists have their own prejudices and think that they are expelling superstition, when in reality they are creating new, harmful obstacles. In everything, search for natural ways.
The Thinker said, “Teacher, reveal to me the way—the most simple and straight.”

A-2: HR attained the Urusvati state of consciousness. However, nowhere is it stated that HR was a perfect initiate having continuous and permanent mastery over such state of consciousness.

Masters are not interested in the personalities of Their disciples. They leave Their disciple's own Soul to adjust any personal misconceptions.

SM 719. Urusvati knows that man cannot properly measure the value of his actions while in an earthly state. Often, those deeds that seem to be the best are polluted by self-interest, and the truly self-sacrificing ones are forgotten in the dust of everyday life.
I affirm that the motivating causes for one’s actions lie in the depths of the consciousness. Even enlightened spirits cannot discern the reasons for their actions. Of course, in the subtle body this discernment is easier, but even that is relative.


Q-3: What evidence can you put forth for such unprecedented assertions?

A-3: In the absence of straight-knowledge (i.e., a developed intuitive sense which reveals self-evident facts) on the part of the inquirer, then one must rely on the infallibility of deductive reasoning (right inference), given a correct premise (i.e., the falsity of HR's condemnation of the AAB-DK Teachings).

A-3a: It is impossible to engage in malicious speech (since 1934) and still state (in 1938):

SM 866. Urusvati understands the essential cause of harm in malicious speech. It is time to acknowledge the primary energy, and to stop separating moral concerns from the physical side of things. It has long been necessary for humanity to understand the significance of emanations and vibrations, yet, despite all evidence, humanity continues to deny the simplest laws of nature.
Humanity repeatedly hears about the harmful effects of evil thoughts and speech, yet continues to fill the world with such poison, not aware that it causes widespread degeneration and other calamities.
It is time to examine reality with the eye of the true scientist, and, in medical terms to point out the irreparable harm of evil thinking. It is time to speak in the schools about the pernicious harm of the malicious curses that children hear in their homes. But the world has a shortage of teachers and no one warns the children about the consequences of such evil speech.
It is not only drunkenness and narcotics that destroy the organism; evil thinking is no less effective in opening the centers to every possible malady. An evil man is defenseless against pernicious influence. It is not the light of the Supermundane World that surrounds him, but darkness. It is time to understand that evil is a decomposing force, and in evil a healthy generation cannot be born.
The Thinker went to the bazaar, warning, “Hurry, free yourselves of the fetters of evil thinking.” The fools only laughed at him.

A-3b: It is impossible to create unkind discord (since 1934) and still state (in 1938):

SM 795. Urusvati knows that the main cause of discord lies in the individuality of consciousnesses. There are no two grains of sand alike, there are no consciousnesses alike. Such richness of nature could have accelerated evolution, but out of it much evil has been born. It should be remembered that such evil is harmful, not only in the earthly life, but also in the Supermundane World.
Each person can assist in the lessening of evil. For this one must firmly remember about the individuality of consciousnesses, and must not coerce the consciousness of one’s fellow man. He can increase friendship and cooperation, but only if he allows for differences of consciousness. Out of such understanding is compassion born. A wise man will show compassion to his neighbor in a way that will not be seen as condescending.
Discord can be smoothed in many small ways. One should not mistake a sensible exchange of opinions as discord. He who sows with kindness will reap more abundantly. We care not only about the earthly life, but even more about the supermundane existence. People must at last recognize that each one is striving toward the Supermundane World and paves his own most suitable path to it.
The Thinker advised, “Help your fellow man to be able to turn in a better and more beautiful way to the Supermundane World.”.


A-3c: It is impossible to promote sectarianism (since 1934) and still state (in 1938):

SM 791. Urusvati knows that fanaticism is a very dangerous psychic condition. A fanatic deprives himself of flexibility. He cannot perfect himself or succeed. A fanatic is as if dead. Fanaticism can be contagious, for weak people fear any kind of advancement; their dark existence rests upon a foundation of dogma.
Regrettably, fanaticism tends to form around any teaching and does not permit the deepening of its foundations. Let us not enumerate the Great Teachings that have suffered because of the savagery of fanaticism. History offers many such dark examples.
But how does one battle fanaticism? It should be understood that any dispute with fanatics will only increase their stubbornness, because they believe that it is precisely they who are the true guardians of the pure teaching. A fanatic responds angrily to any challenging question. A fanatic can only grow more stubborn, and insists that the teaching that he adheres to cannot change. He does not acknowledge that learning is a living process. There can be no stagnation in Eternity; all is in motion, in the striving toward perfection.
Remember that it is impossible to dispute with a corpse. Let the corpse’s putrefaction be a transformation into a new existence. Thus, do not dispute with fanatics, pass by the putrescent, and hasten toward victorious knowledge.
The increase in the number of fanatics can be stopped by a manifestation on a cosmic scale. Whether such a shock would occur in the earthly or Supermundane World is of no importance, but in any case, fanaticism is unfit for the Supermundane World.
The Thinker said, “Fanatic, how will you cross the boundary into the Supermundane?”

A-3d: It is impossible to engage in narrow-minded intolerance (since 1934) and still state (in 1938):

SM 788. Urusvati knows the value of the inborn qualities of broad-mindedness and tolerance. These must be stressed especially, for people do not ordinarily think about them. They may complain about intolerance and even see it as a sign of savagery, but at the same time do not want to think about ways to develop tolerance.
Man does not want to examine the foundations upon which tolerance and open-mindedness grow, yet these qualities are akin to compassion. They teach one to look attentively into the consciousness of one’s neighbor to understand the causes of his mistakes.
People should be taught, and their moral qualities awakened, but this task is impossible without looking at each person individually. Every one errs in his own way, and the reasons for his errors may be deeply embedded. It is impossible to judge a crowd by its shouting and wailing. Everyone has his own pain and is in need of individual treatment.
People must not forget about broad-mindedness and tolerance, for these bridges will be needed in the Supermundane World. The Supermundane World is needed in each human action. We do not speak about abstract morality, but about the actual building of life. The realization of the Supermundane World must be applied to every action. Only thus can one become a co-worker of the Supermundane World and properly prepare oneself for life.
The Thinker said, “Learn tolerance and it will teach you great patience.”

SM 714. Urusvati knows that intolerance is the sister of ignorance. A broad tolerance begets open-mindedness, from which issues daring. The strongest striving requires straight-knowledge, and also a balanced open-mindedness. It is impossible to embrace the Supermundane World without both these foundations. Straight-knowledge can whisper to the heart, but the brain must also accept the possibility that the Supermundane World exists.
It has been said many times that man is the co-worker of creation. It is precisely so. Every thought impresses a mental image. This creativeness is indestructible, and it is time for people to realize their responsibility for this creative work.
Many lightminded and harmful mental obstructions pollute space. People do not usually believe that their feeble thoughts could leave any trace in space, but they must be reminded that even a fleeting feeling can inscribe an indelible hieroglyph there.
Only a full understanding of the meaning of thinking can lead to luminous daring. Do not think that this word has anything in common with audacity; in audacity there is rudeness, but higher daring is always benevolent. It opens ways to beautiful, mental creativeness.
Each beautiful thought must be safeguarded. Let it expand in space. It is a real gift to the structure of the Universe. But people must begin to think about the Supermundane World as natural and sense its touches in everyday life.
We speak about daily routine as a constant link to the Supermundane, which has its place in everyday life. Losing understanding of this can be the source of much grief.
The Thinker used to say, “Realization of the Supermundane comes not only from without, it is also born within ourselves. Let this sign of daring glow in the heart.”


A-3e: It is impossible to condemn the diversity of spiritual approaches (since 1934) and still state (in 1938):

SM 774. Urusvati knows how diverse are the paths to the Supermundane World. This multiformity must be kept in mind when helping the young in their quest for the Higher World. Most important, they must be protected from developing a narrow world view. Beginning with the earliest school years, it is necessary to lay down in an accessible way a proper foundation for broad thinking. The young should also be taught to be dynamic in their explorations, for nothing can compare to personal encounters with different ways of thinking.
One must understand that for most of those who enter the Supermundane World, it will appear to be beyond compare. People find there a life based on immutable laws that are quite different from those of ordinary, earthly life; only flexibility of mind can help the newcomer to adapt quickly to new conditions.
Schools should familiarize students with the various levels of existence. Let the schools teach them to seek a broad way, based upon the wisdom teaching of the Thinkers. Reason and creativeness will reveal the possibilities available to everyone. One should be concerned that each child become aware of his own internal possibilities. Separate from karmic considerations, the ulcer of despair can often be seen in humanity. Man falls into the darkness of a prison built by himself. Everyone should help such prisoners, pointing out to them the near and joyous way.
The Thinker advised that, first of all, one must cast out the misconceptions about hopelessness and consider it the enemy of man.


A-3f: It is impossible to poison group relationships by promoting fearful doubts (since at least 1934) and still state (in 1938):

SM 761. Urusvati knows that science has established that there is a poison in the human organism that is produced by anger and irritation. Likewise, science recognizes the poison caused by fear and doubt. Doubt is a cousin of fear, and decomposes the organism.
It should be remembered that the one who doubts harms not only himself but also the benevolent forces. The very emanations of such a person prevent assimilation of the energies sent to him. Such a one cannot make contract with the Subtle World, and cannot sense the reality of subtle influences. He remains in a state of constant negation and destroys his own creativity.
Doubt is deadening, and must be distinguished from realistic, sensitive discernment. Man must think sensibly about all that occurs, utilizing the straight-knowledge that is given to him. It safeguards him against errors. It can be developed and will protect him from the viper of doubt.
Man, when filled with the poison of doubt, cannot respond to the subtle energies; an infected being cannot soar to the higher supermundane realms. Physical health alone cannot save man; health of the spirit is needed.
The Thinker said, “He who doubts is like a fleeing timid warrior.”

A-3g: It is impossible to undermine collaboration among coworkers (since 1934) and still state (in 1938):

SM 760. Urusvati knows the salutary results of cooperation. Many people understand that cooperation increases productivity and heightens its quality, but at present I want to point out one valuable aspect of cooperation. Let us take as an example a choir or an army, or a team of workmen; it is probable that in such groups there can be found many people clouded by misfortune, but their common unity will lessen their personal unhappiness. Thus common striving helps turn people from their individual suffering. One should not think that common work brings about a dulling of personal feelings; on the contrary, with a high quality of labor, it can heighten one’s striving. Thus working in unity is of help to all.
It should also be understood that the approach to the Supermundane World can be facilitated when following this principle of group effort. The many varieties of individual understanding can join to form a harmonious choir. A common desire can strengthen the striving.
Wherever possible, small groups should be formed, striving toward cognition of the Supermundane. Such groups could be of great help to one another. They will find mutual support when facing the derision of the crowds, and will help each one to develop attention toward the manifestations of the Supermundane World. Such groups should be small, so that the varied vibrations of individual participants do not impede the harmony. No one can forcefully command striving towards the essence of Be-ness, but the harmony of vibrations makes possible a powerful ascent.
The Thinker summoned His disciples to common labor, saying, “Let the beauty of labor heal our wounds.”

A-3h: It is impossible to do harm to fundamental concepts (since 1934) and still state (in 1938):

SM 724. Urusvati knows how often, due to misinterpretations, people do harm to the fundamental concepts. They speak about superhuman efforts, even though in the earthly life all is human. Even when one speaks about efforts that are noble or exalted, they nevertheless are always human. By their misinterpretations and distortions, people demean themselves.
The time is coming when all treasures in man’s possession should be recognized. A true science, devoted to the study of the primary energy, must be accepted. People know about the salt that permeates the oceans, but they prefer not to acknowledge the energy of space. We call it psychic energy, but other names can be applied to it. Perhaps you have heard about grace? It exists, and its essence is nothing else than psychic energy.
Terms for psychic energy can be found in the various languages of the East, but their meaning was much distorted. We call on scientists to acknowledge the fundamental principle of energy—the foundation for all teachings.
We do not deny, We do not destroy—We construct in accordance with the mental condition of mankind. Each century brings its own conditions, which cannot be ignored. Often the Great seems to become obscured, and waves of destroyers engulf it. These signs must be observed closely, for they too contain within themselves the steps for the future. Evolution must be loved in all its stages. Eternal change is the basis of life.
The Thinker used to say, “Traveler, hasten to the goal, do not get caught overnight in an icy stream.”

A-3i: It is impossible to hold personal prejudices (since at least 1934) and still state (in 1938):

SM 707. Urusvati rightly resists prejudices and restrictions imposed on knowledge. People particularly love to talk about the freedom of science, and at the same time try to prevent scientific cooperation. One can only remind them about the significance of synthesis, because so many people do not want to realize the important meaning of this concept.
It is necessary to teach in school that all scientific domains are linked to one another. One should warn against prejudices, for even the scientists suffer from this repugnant illness.
It should not be forgotten that prejudice can become the most dangerous barrier in the attainment of the Supermundane. The time will come, indeed, has already come, when cognition of the Supermundane will be a very real science. Armageddon directs the people toward this.
People are perceptive enough to notice the many striking manifestations that fill everyday life. The observable combinations of psychic and physical conditions do not occur by accident. There has never before been such confusion in life. Verily, man could be a king of nature, for he can induce shocks in it and his thought is like a fiery arrow. Therefore, study the consequences of human thinking. Remember that a prayer for destruction is alien to true knowledge.
The Thinker said, “The symbol of knowledge is Infinity.”

A-3j: It is impossible to condemn apparent contradictions (since 1934) and still state (in 1938):

SM 702. Urusvati knows how much humanity is plagued by the phantoms of contradiction. Humanity itself created and nurtured these phantoms. Even the most fundamental concept, that of primary energy, is surrounded by irreconcilable opinions. We have said that energy is inexhaustible, yet at the same time recommend all possible care in utilizing it. And people see contradiction in that, even though every thoughtful individual knows that everything of value must be safeguarded. We have also spoken about the stability of the primal energy, but people then point to its changeability. But actually, its true nature is not its changeability, but its multiformity. Also, people try to apply earthly dates and qualities to it, forgetting that the Subtle World does not live in accordance with earthly calendars.
It was not without reason that in ancient times students were required to learn to reconcile contradictions. A pupil, stumbling against contradictions, was often held back for a long time at that threshold. He not only could not reflect upon the Supermundane, but even lost his earthly path. He could find a solution only if he understood the significance of goalfitness, but by not understanding goalfitness he was lost.
The Thinker said, “If all that was read reminded us about goalfitness, we could have conquered the dragon of contradictions.”


Q-4: Is indignation ever appropriate for a disciple, such as expressing indignation over HR's vicious condemnation of the AAB-DK Teachings ?

A-4: SM 247. Urusvati knows that indignation is sometimes appropriate. It would seem that people should know this, but it must be emphasized often, or goodness and benevolence will be misinterpreted. How can man remain silent when terrible crimes are committed before his very eyes? No one has ever advocated remaining indifferent to the debasement of human dignity, for by such indifference one allows oneself to become an accomplice of the crime.
Even earthly leaders expect people to learn to live in danger. We also advise such tension, because constant tension disciplines vibrations. It is a mistake to think that tension harms the body. On the contrary, such a conscious awareness creates the necessary metabolism that helps to renew it. Tension is not the cause of fatigue. Only depression reduces vitality, but exaltation creates a beautiful renewal. Thus, we should not fear tension; only ignorant people will regard it as a fatiguing misfortune. They will be able to relax in the grave! But a man who is ever ready to ascend will welcome the growing tension as festive gates to renewal, and will flame with indignation when the Highest concepts are degraded in his presence.
We love to see the radiance of righteous indignation. During the waning of the old world such tension is especially needed, and one should know how to direct this quality most effectively.
The Thinker pointed out that indignation as a reaction to injustice can be a wonderful healing of the blind.

Q-5: How can the Hierarchy allow such veil, and is the synthesis of the AY and the AAB-DK Teachings possible at all?

A-5a: SM 794. Urusvati knows that unlimited divisibility does not contradict the power of attraction to fundamental Unity. Science affirms this, and one can observe it most clearly in the realm of psychic energy.
People should not fear divisibility in life. Often it is precisely what facilitates the manifestation of Unity. People do not admit that dark forces can unconsciously assist Unity, but the clash of the forces can strike an especially powerful spark. It is of no importance whether the hammer that produces the spark is dark or light, but the stronger the blow, the more powerful and curative is the spark.
Divisibility grows particularly during the days of Armageddon. But Unity also grows. The world is striving to the Unity of Cooperation. The world understand how inexorably the new common understanding is approaching. The New World sweeps away the rotten roots. Thus every Teaching must listen for the steps of the New World. Let vigilance manifest itself everywhere, and people will understand what has evolved amidst battles and sufferings.
The Thinker said, “Learn to perceive the veil that is the Great Unity.”

A-5b: The synthesis of the AY and the AAB-DK Teachings is not only possible, but necessary, and a seed thought in that direction has already been sown.

AAB-DK (1925): "... the interest awakened in the public mind lately by the giant star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion is due to the fact that at this particular time there has been an interplay of force between our tiny system and this giant one, and communication between the two informing Existences." -TCF 1086

Commonalities Between DK’s and M’s Teaching
by Michael Robbins (MDR)

Pam: 1. Different masters--Morya and Hilarion for AY, DK for AAB. However, each group recognizes the existence of all these masters, in addition to many others from Theosophical tradition (such as Sanat Kumara). All await the coming of Maitreya, without identifying him with any particular person such as Krishnamurti. AY hints that he may be identical with Rigden Jyepo, the king of Shambhala. AAB links him with the second coming of Christ.

Michael: AAB looks for the coming of the King of Shamballa as a kind of final avatar, more likely at the end of the seventh round (Theosophical terminology) than in the present round, the fourth. Probably a reflection of this final 'appearance' will occur in the seventh root race of the present round. But Shamballa/Shambhala is associated in the AAB Teaching with the numbers 1 and 7 (though, of course, this Greatest Planetary Center --the "Central Stronghold" is inclusive of them all)

Pam: 2. Different teachers (and by extension, books). All recognize HPB and, in some sense, the Roerichs. AAB followers obviously add AAB, and must then explain her rejection by HPB and HR.

Michael: All I know, friends, (and I know it in the depths of my soul) is that DK does not reject M, and M does not reject DK, and that both work with KH. And that they all love each other. I will add to this one other certainty on which I would stake my life and one day may have to: DK for thirty years worked with AAB. No impostor; the real DK.
The triangle of M, KH and DK have brought the Ageless Wisdom to us in the Western world. Without Them, I don't know where we would be. I am grateful and grateful to the great ladies who brought it through. Do I know this for a fact? Yes, know it for a fact

Pam: 3. Cosmology. While all accept the Theosophical system, AY typically speaks of three basic "worlds" whereas AAB uses septenary language.

Michael: The septenary language is an important part of DK's presentation, but the language of "threes" is also very important: the threefold spiritual triad (equivalent to the domains fo the Fiery World), the threefold spirit/monad (which may equate with the "seed of spirit"--please correct me if I am incorrect), the threefold soul-body/causal body, which relates, I believe, to "the chalice". The entire Science of Triangles underlies so much of what DK says, so I would say that ternaries are as important as septenaries.

Pam: AAB speaks of "God." AY does not, or at least rarely does. The Mahatma letters reject the existence of "God" in at least some senses.

Michael: With AAB, the term "God" is sometimes invoked, but usually the "gods" are specified, such as the Planetary Logos, the Solar Logos or Cosmic Logoi. The old patriarchal God is nowhere emphasized except to point out the limitations of such a conception. It is also understood that there is only One Life so that (as in Brahmanism and Hinduism) all the various 'gods' are but aspects of that Life.

Pam: AY speaks of energies from Orion. AAB emphasizes Sirius, which is very close to Orion. (Assuming we are referring to the constellations that we know.)

Michael: While Sirius is emphasized in AAB, there are a number of excellent references to Orion, and it plays an important part in the DK's cosmology, especially through one of its leading stars, Betelgeuze. The entire mystery of the trinity and the quaternary are exemplified in Orion. All this is a special area of study for me and for my colleagues SP and PL. I and we have not wished to intrude these conceptions upon the AY Forum which, as I said, has enough of value to study in the AY books for lives to come. But if you are interested, there is much that can be discussed elsewhere.

Pam: Both anticipate a coming cosmic cataclysm, a kind of spiritual purging in which many will die. Spiritual practice is a way to prepare to withstand this.

Michael: Whether or not there will be, strictly speaking, a "cosmic" cataclysm is debatable, but the DK teachings emphasize important Earth changes in the next thousand years. AAB warns very much concerning the need to avoid a third and religious war, and I do remember something from HR's letters, about the intentions of "Satan" to cause a great and destructive explosion on Earth and then "float away on the wreck" (I paraphrase). DK does not say "many will die", but does predict that things will come to such a condition that humanity itself will seriously invoke the presence of Hierarchy for aid.

Pam: AAB sees Shamballa as existing in a spiritual realm, no longer physical. AY hints that Shambhala (spelled differently!) may be physically located in Tibet or Central Asia.

Michael: I believe this is partially correct. Like HPB, AAB speaks of the White Island in the Gobi Desert, and suggests that Shamballa has an etheric location there. Of course, what is etheric can also precipitate as physical--but generally, Shamballa is considered etheric--in the four lower ethers or in the very highest ethers. Theosophy uses such divisions of the planes and HPB discussed them extensively.

I refer much to HPB as a great source which both HR and AAB love and respect. This is a great commonalty between them and should be emphasized.

Pam: AAB emphasizes astrology and the seven rays. AY accepts astrology but does not emphasize it, and rejects the seven-ray system.

Michael: I had not heard of this rejection. DK considers astrology and rayology inseparable, and I have seen this to be true through much practical astrological work over forty years and much research. Outside the context of this Forum (which is dedicated quite strictly to Agni Yoga texts), I am willing to discuss these matters. A number of the strong AY members are, I know, very good esoteric astrologers and rayologists.

There seems to be no reason to reject the seven rays if one accepts the sevenfold spectrum of light: it is just the psycho-spiritual interpretation of this very evident physical fact. The One White Light differentiates into three primaries and a total of seven spectral colors.

PAM: AAB uses language of the chakras and kundalini to describe spiritual advancement. AY prefers to speak of the flame of the heart, or the flame in the chalice.

Michael: I think they are really saying the same thing in different languages.

Pam: 4. Practice. AAB emphasizes formal meditation, with invocation. AY rejects or is suspicious of such practices. (Theosophy taught meditation at the advanced level, but also other practices such as vegetarianism and celibacy which we don't.)

Michael: Here I can only say that with DK, meditation (both with and without seed) and group meditation as well, are considered indispensable--not only for human beings, but for a whole range of Creator Logoi (of the kind that HPB wrote about extensively)

[JB] Michael's response is correct in regard to the occult meditation techniques taught by DK.  However, DK's Technique of the Presence (Agni Yoga/Heart/Intuition) does not emphasize formal meditation, but a constant meditative Presence throughout our daily activities.

AAB-DK: "...for what I here suggest is a formula for a more advanced meditation attitude. I said not form."

DK is very pragmatic about vegetarianism, and would recommend celibacy for some, but is rather quick to point out the distortions that can arise from the suppression of the sex instinct. He is very balanced in His points of view, and seeks for students to understand that sex is a great symbol of higher unitive processes. As for vegetarianism, it certainly has its important place, according to DK, but the need may vary from case to case.

Pam: AAB students follow a particular festival and ritual calendar. I don't believe AY has anything like this.

Michael: The full moon (I call them "solar fire") monthly energy-opportunities are very important in the DK Teaching. We are to take advantage of available zodiacal energies in order to improve our character and to help us build thoughtforms of solution for humanity.

Pam: AY emphasizes guru-yoga, in which choosing a guru is one of the most important parts of the spiritual path. AAB does not, though there are many teachers. Many AY followers however do not have a living guru, but study the writings of deceased teachers in much the same way as AAB students.

Michael: The Buddha's last sermon was full of the idea of Self-Reliance. I have a condensation of the text (which I set to music) if anyone is interested in the text, per se. DK encourages the right kind of devotion but not a devotional attitude which makes thought subservient to devotion. Strictly mental thought, however, is placed in a secondary place to Divine Love-Wisdom.

[BM]: Michael's response does not address the author's point. But in AAB all disciples are just that: disciples of a Master. A quick perusal of The Six Stages of Discipleship (from Discipleship in the New Age by AAB) ought to dispell the idea that AAB does not focus on the Master-chela relationship! The claim is flat out misinformed. In AAB all disciples without exception DO have a living Guru who is one of the most important parts of the spiriutal path. Period.

DK students are taught to seek first the soul--which are informed by the Agnishvattas or Solar Angels about which HPB wrote so extensively in the Secret Doctrine. These great beings are said (by HPB and AAB) to be "retuning nirvaniis" from a previous kalpa or manvantara, and they seek the redemption of humanity as their service. They are part of the "inner god" which the meditator seeks to contact--because they are "Hearts of Fiery Love", and fill the human consciousness with what AY might call "psychic energy". Meditation will also place one in touch with one's own spirit aspect--which is one with all Spirit. So yes, meditation is considered of the utmost importance, just as in the Vedantic and Buddhist traditions. I think AY has new names for such things.

Pam: Both emphasize service to humanity. AAB students emphasize education and sharing the invocation, whereas AY followers gravitate toward projects involving beauty and culture. (Am I generalizing too readily from a small sample?)

Michael: I am thinking that the Banner of Peace with its three circles emphasizes a wide dimension of service. Also DK speaks of service along the Seven Ashramic Lines, and speaks of many specialized groups which can help humanity is specific ways--telepathy, clarifiying consciousness, healing, education, politics, religion, science, psychology, economics, and creative manifestation. So DK's approach is also very broad. It is intensively service oriented.

Pam: 5. National and cultural background. AAB was a British citizen, her followers are concentrated in the English-speaking world and Western Europe. The Roerichs and most of their followers were/are Russians, with the U.S. the next largest group.

Michael: Probably true. I think both Teachings have been translated into many languages. Daniel would know about AY. The AAB books appear in most European languages, and maybe some others. The Great Invocation has been translated into over a 100 languages.

Michael: Thanks, Pam for your analysis. I am very interested to learn about different emphases in order to help produce cooperation and Oneness of Purpose. These great Teachings are all different aspects of the Great Wisdom coming out of Shamballa (Shambhala). There is, in my opinion, One Great Light, and various important prismatic representations of that Light--thus the many great religions, philosophies and spiritual revelations of the ages.

Similarities of Agni Yoga and DK's Teachings

“Some have said that M’s and DK’s Teachings are utterly incompatible. If, however, They are both Masters of the Wisdom, which I profoundly believe and know They are, then, although the emphases of Their beautiful Teachings will differ, these Teachings will both serve the Great Truth emanating from Shamballa/Shambhala.

1. Both Teachings work for the Common Good, Common Weal, the welfare of humanity.

2. Both respect the arts and sciences, and the various lines of service which will lead humanity forward. The Banner of Peace suggests this, as do the Ten Seed Groups—ten modes of service.

3. Both Traditions honor Shamballa/Shambhala, and the Great Being who there presides: Rigden Japo  or, in our language, the Great Sacrifice, etc. as above. Both Traditions ultimately seek to serve His great and holy Will.

4. Both Traditions seek to work strenuously for the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet.

5. Both Traditions believe in the Masters of the Wisdom, work for these Masters, and love these Masters. Both traditions hold Master M and Master DK (and KH) in the highest regard. AY holds DK in esteem. It is just that the thought has been put forward that AAB did not work with the real DK. Of course, AAB students believe she did, and believe they have ample evidence to support this view given the breadth, depth and tremendous heartfelt humanitarianism of the Tibetan’s teaching and the work that it is intended to inspire. His emphasis in constantly on selfless service.

6. Both Traditions believe in the higher worlds and the need for these higher worlds to pervade the lower strata. They may call these inner and higher worlds by different names, but the worlds are the same.

7. Both Traditions believe that discipleship is no easy thing and requires a lot of work and training. In both cases contact with the Masters is considered of prime importance for continuing progress on this Path of Development.

8. Both Teachings believe in the value of the group. AY calls this “Community”. DK calls it Group Consciousness —a major step beyond the selfishness of pure individualism (a necessary stage in the developmental process but now to be outlived). Nevertheless, the individuality is retained, fully vibrant and expressive and utilized for the sake of the Greater Whole.

9. Both Traditions fight strenuously against Evil and the Black Lodge which presently is the center of concentrated evil upon our planet. If we could only realize, together, that we have common enemies, perhaps that would bring us closer in comradeship. Your real enemies are our real enemies —the enemies of Humanity, of Maitreya, and of His Hierarchy.

10. Both Traditions seek that the Great Ones will again work more actively and powerfully among us, and believe that that day is coming. What we will all have to go through to get there is not known, but given our dark opponents it would be better if we were friends than mistaking each other for enemies.

It is my sincere hope that those who have doubted the value and benevolence of the DK/AAB presentation, will see it in a new light. I am not one calling for a dilution of Agni Yoga or a mixing of incompatible elements. But a perspective of wholeness will, I think, make us all stronger, and will show that we are, after all, serving One Spiritual Hierarchy, along the lines of differing energy expressions.

Ultimately we all serve Maitreya, Who, in the DK Teachings, is the Great Leader of the Masters. He represents the growth of Love-Wisdom in the human heart, and the possibility of a truly loving interplay between the members of presently warring humanity. I cannot think that He Whom all the Masters serve, would want us to be fighting with each other, when we could be cooperating and reinforcing the goodness which is in each of our Traditions.

Therefore, “For the sake of Maitreya and the glory of His Name”, I ask that we be true friends within the Light and Love of Hierarchy."
Michael Robbins.

Edited from:

[Also see: On the Alleged Tibetan Source of Alice Bailey's Writings (pdf) by David Reigle]

Q-6: Why did the HR-AY transmissions stop in 1938, and may HR have confused both AAB and Lucifer with evil?


Leaves Morya's Garden I 1924
Leaves Morya's Garden II 1925
New Era Community 1926
Agni Yoga 1929
Infinity I 1930
Infinity II 1930
Hierarchy 1931
Heart 1932
Fiery World I 1933
Fiery World II 1934
Fiery World III 1935
AUM 1936
Brotherhood 1937
Supermundane I-IV 1938


A-6: It is common for a Master to withdraw from a disciple's consciousness if s/he resists the promptings of his/her own Soul to redress a harm done. The higher the evolution of a disciple, the greater harm done.

The Master's withdrawal may have coincided approximately with NR's aborted plan (1934-36) to create a "Buddhist country around Siberia, Mongolia and the Gobi"  and the public scandal over the Roerich Museum (1936), after which they retired to Kulu, India. 

[Note: Literal dictation of the Agni Yoga books can be reasonably ruled out by this statement from DK:

“None of the Masters of the sixth initiation (such as the Masters M. and K. H.) are at this time working through dictation with Their disciples. They are too much engrossed with world problems, and with the work of watching over the destinies of the prominent world figures in the various nations, to have any opportunity to dictate teaching to any particular disciple in some small field of activity and upon subjects of which sufficient is already known to enable the disciple to go ahead alone and unaided. Two of the Masters are working telepathically and through dictation with several accepted disciples, and Their effort is to inspire these disciples, who are active in world work, to greater usefulness in the Plan. They are working in this way in order to impress a few of the prominent thinkers in the field of science and of social welfare with the needed knowledge which will enable them to make the right moves in the emergence of the race into greater freedom. But I know of no others, in this particular generation, who are so doing, for They have delegated much of this work to Their initiates and disciples. The bulk of the communicators today (working through aspirants on the physical plane) are active working chelas of accepted degree who (living as they do in the thought aura of the Master and His group) are steadily endeavouring to reach all kinds of people, all over the world, [Page 109] in all groups. Hence the increasing flood of communications, of inspired writings, and of personal messages and teaching.” (TSR I, 108-109)

[MDR, letter 2006-07-11] This paragraph was written at some time in the 1930’s (probably 1933-1935), it would seem, after Master M. had discontinued any dictation in relation to the Agni Yoga Impartation. We do not know how much of the Agni Yoga series was actually dictated. We have the following from Master DK found in one of the old Arcane School lesson sets, but which never made its way into the books. It is in response to a question from E.M.C. (Eugene Milne Cosgrove, a.k.a. I.S.G.-L.):

“The Master in ‘Heart’ has various applications of the phrase “the mother of the world”. I confess I miss His intention very often, because I cannot relate it to my poor understanding of the phrase.”

The Tibetan replies exactly as follows:

“I have not read the book Heart and so do not know in what sense the writer uses the phrase to which you refer. I gather that you believe that a Master has written the book. He has written parts of it, inspired some of it and left it to the intuition of the publisher to supply the rest.”]


HR claimed contact with a spiritual source during her last years in the Kulu retirement. It is of significance that during the post-1934 letters HR's source increasingly contradicted HPB on the true meaning of Lucifer.  HPB had named her Theosophical London magazine as Lucifer

Letters Of Helena Roerich I, 1 August 1934. By the way, the article "Odorigen and Jiva" was at one time brought to the notice of Madame Blavatsky by her Guru, who wished it to be published in the magazine Lucifer, I believe.

The word Lucifer is not mentioned even once in the AY Books; it is only mentioned in the HR's Letters (and On Eastern Crossroads).

HPB: "Lucifer," is the pale morning-star, the precursor of the full blaze of the noon-day sun – the "Eosphoros" of the Greeks. It shines timidly at dawn to gather forces and dazzle the eye after sunset as its own brother "Hesperos" – the radiant evening star, or the planet Venus. No fitter symbol exists for the proposed work – that of throwing a ray of truth on everything hidden by the darkness of prejudice, by social or religious misconceptions; especially by that idiotic routine in life, which, once that a certain action, a thing, a name, has been branded by slanderous inventions, however unjust, makes respectable people, so called, turn away shiveringly, refusing to even look at it from any other aspect than the one sanctioned by public opinion. Such an endeavour then, to force the weak-hearted to look truth straight in the face, is helped most efficaciously by a title belonging to the category of branded names.

"What's in a Name? by HPB


==> A student replies: HIR and HPB spoke about different concepts linked to the same name. HPB severely refuted one of the Church's fundamental myths about Lucifer being the embodiment of Universal Evil, the God's almighty antipode, and stated that Lucifer is that host of beings who endowed humanity with intelligence. So did HIR. But apart from that, in HIR's texts there is a description of one of those Lucifers which later ceased to be of this kind. But he was neither God's counterpart nor an embodiment of the Universal Evil. HR perfectly agreed with HPB on that point. And HPB just didn't touch that subject, as far as I know.

==>Rebuttal: HR simply confused Satan with Lucifer. [from Latin confusus, past participle of confundere: 1 archaic: to bring to ruin; 2a: to make embarrassed, 2b: to disturb in mind or purpose; 3a: to make indistinct, 3b: to mix indiscriminately, 3c: to fail to differentiate from an often similar or related other. M-W Dictionary]

Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 16 July 1935. At the head of the Sons of Light stands the Archangel Michael. His adversary in the camp of darkness is Satan (who still bears the name, Lucifer, although he lost the right to this name long ago); at one time he was amongst the great Kumaras, who bestowed the light of Mind upon the poor Earth-dwellers, who lacked it. In connection with this, read the legend about Lucifer in On Eastern Crossroads. This legend is based on a great Truth. Thus, the Prince of the World is now fighting for his very existence. The predicted great Armageddon of our race is in full swing. And again the Archangel Michael, with his resplendent host, is fighting against Lucifer.

Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 27 November 1937. According to the esoteric data, at the time when the Great Brothers of Lucifer, the archangels of the Christian Church who came with him to our Earth, built the eternal movement; at the time when They said, Why be limited to Earth alone when all worlds are destined, thus creating the right path for humanity and establishing a real exchange through broad cooperation with the far-off worlds; Lucifer preferred to segregate himself from his neighbors. But in the unity of Be-ness, through the law of interchange, any kind of isolation leads to disintegration or death. Therefore, Lucifer was able only to complicate the flow of life, but he could not stop it. His Brothers, who are perpetually on Guard and who are at the top of Jacob's Ladder, are the true Saviors of mankind.

Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 27 November 1937. ...from the Gnostic writings can one get the idea of Lucifer as a bearer of sacrifice for the development in man of the knowledge of good and evil. Much confusion exists around this legend. One should attentively read The Secret Doctrine and then light will dawn. And so, let us not create a poetic image of the Prince of the World. Perhaps after aeons and aeons his redemption will begin, but at present he has reached the apogee of hatred for humanity, and is about ready to display the apotheosis of his reign of destruction.

Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 3 December 1937. But it is equally certain that the image of Satan as a fallen angel and the Host of our Earth (therefore of human substance) does exist, to the misfortune of our planet, and, alas, he is very active. In the esoteric Teaching of the East it is indicated that Lucifer came to our Earth together with the other High spirits who sacrificed themselves for the acceleration of the evolution of the planet and its humanity. But Lucifer was not the highest among his Brethren, and when the time came for him to take on the earthly and dense sheaths, his spirit could not remain on its former height. Beginning with the early times of Atlantis his downfall had already started. And in all the following ages we see him as the fierce antagonist of his great Brothers, who were continuously ascending in the glory of Light.

Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 3 December 1937. Lucifer is now at the head of the Black Brotherhood, which is very powerful, for it has co-workers among the masses over the entire span of the planet.

The AY Books correctly identify evil with Satan, never with Lucifer (as the HR Letters/OEC incorrectly do).

AY-169: "One may compare Agni Yoga with the Morning Star, which heralds the approach of Light."

HPB: "Piously inclined readers may argue that "Lucifer" is accepted by all the churches as one of the many names of the Devil. According to Milton's superb fiction, Lucifer is Satan, the "rebellious" angel, the enemy of God and man. If one analyzes his rebellion, however, it will be found of no worse nature than an assertion of free-will and independent thought, as if Lucifer had been born in the XIXth century. This epithet of "rebellious" is a theological calumny... So absurd and ridiculous is that prejudice, indeed, that no one has seemed to ever ask himself the question, how came Satan to be called a light-bringer, unless the silvery rays of the morning-star can in any way be made suggestive of the glare of the infernal flames. It is simply, as Henderson showed, "one of those gross perversions of sacred writ which so extensively obtain, and which are to be traced to a proneness to seek for more in a given passage than it really contains – a disposition to be influenced by sound rather than sense, and an implicit faith in received interpretation" – which is not quite one of the weaknesses of our present age. Nevertheless, the prejudice is to the shame of our century."

JA: "Blavatsky furthermore pointed out that in the Book of Revelation, Christ referred to himself as “the bright and morning star,” that is, Lucifer. And the Gospel of St. John (1.4) says, “In him . . . was the light of men.” Blavatsky identified Christ with Prometheus, who brought fire and thus light to humanity and who was thus etymologically a Lucifer or Light-bearer. Christ, Prometheus, and Lucifer were all symbolic bringers of light to the world and consequently savior figures."


==>AAB-DK stated:  "Symbolically speaking, some of the sons of God fell from their high estate, led, at one time, by "Lucifer, Son of the Morning". This "fall of the angels" was a tremendous event in the history of our planet, but was nevertheless only a passing and interesting phenomenon in the history of the solar system, and a trifling incident in the affairs of the seven constellations, of which our solar system is but one."  [TSR I, 394-95]

==>AAB-DK stated: "Sanat Kumara is not on the Sirian line but—to speak in symbols, not too deeply veiled—Lucifer, Son of the Morning, is closely related, and hence the large number of human beings who will become disciples in the Sirian Lodge." [TSR V, 415-16]

==>AAB-DK stated: "... the divine plan of evolution was based upon the production of this relationship between spiritually conscious man and the form aspect, and thus the great Law of Duality came into action, bringing about the "fall of the angels," as they descended from their sinless and free state of existence in order to develop full divine awareness upon earth, through the medium of material incarnation and the use of the principle of mind. This was the divine plan, emanating from the Mind of God and swept into activity and progressive unfoldment by an act of His Will. At its inception, there took place the original "war in the heavens," when the sons of God who responded to the divine urge to experience, to serve and to sacrifice, separated themselves from the sons of God who responded to no such inspiration but who chose to stay in their original and high state of being. To this truth, Christ Himself bore witness in the story of  the Prodigal Son and his relationship to his elder brother, who had not left the Father's home. It is obvious, is it not, from this parable, where the approbation of the Father lay; a careful study of this story and an intuitive understanding of its implications may evoke some day a response to the "sin of experience," as it has been called, and a comprehension of the two major laws governing the process: the Law of Evolution and the Law of Rebirth." [EH 118-19]

SHAMBALLA   Will or Power Planetary Head Centre,
The Holy City   Purpose-Plan spiritual pineal gland
  Life aspect:  


Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World
    The Ancient of Days  
THE HIERARCHY   Love-Wisdom Planetary Heart Centre
The New Jerusalem   Unity At-one-ment
    Group consciousness:  


The Christ  
    The World Saviour  
HUMANITY   Active Intelligence Planetary Throat Centre
The City, standing foursquare   Creativity  
Ruler: Lucifer  
    Son of the Morning  
    The Prodigal Son  

[ EH 107 ]


"The mystery of the devil will eventually be seen to be that of the light of God's countenance, which reveals that which is undesirable and must be changed and renounced, and which thus transforms life by the light that God's nature pours forth." [TSR-II, 271]

AAB-DK: "What do we mean by the phrase "forces of evil?" Not the armies of unrighteousness and sinfulness, organised under that figment of the imagination, the devil or some supreme Antichrist, for such an army does not exist, and there is no great enemy of God, arraigned in battle against the Most High. There is only suffering, erring humanity, still half-awakened, dimly sensing the vision, and struggling to free itself from the thralldom of the past, with its tarnished allegiances and its unchecked loyalties. The forces of evil are, in the last analysis, only the entrenched ancient ideals and habits of thought which have served their purpose in bringing the race to its present point of development, but which must now disappear if the New Age is to be ushered in as desired. The old Antichrist rhythms, inherent in the old forms of religion, of politics and of the social order, must give place to newer ideals, to the synthetic understanding, and to the new order. The laws and modes of procedure which are characteristic of the New Age must supersede the old, and these will, in time, institute the new social order and the more inclusive regime." [TSR-II, 630]

Technique of Light FIAT LUX

"The power of our united light prevents the appearance of the glamour of (separativeness).

The power of our united light negates the quality of the glamour from affecting man.

The power of our united light destroys* the life behind the glamour."

[* destroys the life behind... E-V-I-L  is  L-I-V-E  spelled backwards ]

In summary, the distinction made between HR and the Urusvati state of consciousness has dealt a mortal blow to the dark spell on AAB-DK's work cast  by the HR cult/glamour. Once the Technique of Light sorts out the human from the divine, then it is clear that we may disagree with the same human (HR) who declared both Lucifer and AAB evil, while keeping intact the true AY Teachings communicated through Urusvati. The role of the "knight in silver armor" in this attack to DK's Ashram (through a deceived HR) merits further study.

Quotes from the book
At the Threshold of the New World

LS:"That knight in silver armor [Konrad Rudendorf] possessed a ray sufficiently strong to obstruct the Teacher's work with her [HR].  (p. 7)

MM [1924]: "You see for yourself that even birds seem to interfere... He [Konrad] has strained the ray of his laboratory knowing that the year 1936 will bring him a personal battle with Me." (p. 105)

Source [1924]: "The last experiment did not take place. If it did, it would have resulted in the coupling of Urusvati's good and Konrad's evil... The goal of the experiment devised by Konrad was to obtain from the Brotherhood the formula for atomic energy." (p.112)

Source [1924]: "Let us proceed with the experiment."
HR: "Why did M.M. write to me, "Stand firm?"
Source: "You will comprehend it with your spirit."
HR: "Are there inaccuracies in my records?"
Source: "I do not see them. Be on guard. Indeed, to reconcile the different rays is not an easy thing. There are many new voices... (p. 113)


Q-7: Did NR share HR's views on AAB?

A-7: Probably not, but most likely NR was aware of them. It may be a significant fact that, according to the chronology of her now publicly known condemnatory letters, HR's vindictiveness against AAB grew stronger after NR's passing in 1947.

As far as we know, HR never misquoted the Master to support her personal condemnation of the AAB-DK Teachings until after NR's passing. Therefore, any transmission occurring after 1947 (and maybe even earlier) should be held suspect of contamination with her personal opinion. 

We do not consider the HR letters (public or private) as part of the AY Teachings, although they are a valuable source of spiritual advice except for the few but definitely false statements about the AAB-DK Teachings, among other possible personal misconceptions, such as her personal interpretation about Lucifer.

[ The words Lucifer and Urusvati are etymologically linked: Lux = Ur ]

Q-8: Do you condemn HR?

A-8: No, we certainly do not condemn HR. However, we actively resist the "HR supremacists" in the AYDF who --against her will-- misuse HR's private opinion about AAB to publicly denigrate the AAB-DK Teachings (which is quite different from having personal reservations about AAB-DK or any other spiritual Teachings). There are recent  indications, though, that the tone of the debate may have become more civil, and even respectful. We welcome such change, although there may always be exceptions.

Anyone can fail, and we owe due gratitude to the Mother of Agni Yoga --Urusvati, an Enlightened One-- for her luciferous sacrifice in revealing the Yoga of Fiery Synthesis to the world (from the First Ray --Master M.'s--  perspective, as there is a Second Ray approach to Agni Yoga). 

Gratitude!   Gratitude!   Gratitude!



[Our gratitude also for NR's gigantic artistic and spiritual work]

May we redeem the relatively few failures of all the great spirits who have preceded us on this Path, may we avoid repeating the same mistakes in our own lives and may we all fulfill our part in the One Work through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech. 

Let the beauty of labor heal our wounds.”


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A Seed Group of Trained Observers

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